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Patrick Watrin

Bordeaux - Paris (France)

Régis Guilbert

Côte d'azur (France)

Alain Digonnet

North East France

Olivier Sagot

North West France except Vendée

Cécile Thimon

Rhône Alpes (France)

Cécile Thimon

Canton du Valais, de Neuchâtel, du Valais, de Fribourg, de Vaud (Switzerland)

Verónica Martín de Torres

Madrid - Andalucia - Balearic Islands (Spain)

Carmen Cobo

North Spain and Barcelona

Rudolf Van Hoof

Russia - Baltic States

Eric Janssen

Southern Germany

Kristin Krogstad - The Drawing Room


Theodoros Archontikis



Poland (Architects/B2C)

Seray Kiris (Kitokogroup)


Euplio Basci

German and Italian speaking part of Switzerland